Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C (Hep C) is a disease of the liver that can cause serious health problems including liver failure and liver cancer. Hep C spreads when blood from a person with the Hep C virus enters the body of someone who is not infected.

With the correct treatment, Hep C is curable.

Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C (Hep C) is a disease of the liver that can cause serious health problems including liver failure and liver cancer. The treatment for Hep C is to simply take a pill daily, at home, for as little as two months.

Recent medical breakthroughs have created a revolution in the treatment for Hep C. Today, the most common treatment for Hep C is to simply take a pill daily, at home, for as little as two months. This regiment is much simpler than the past treatments that included ongoing injections of Interferon (a drug that has chemo-like side effects).

Testing for Hep C is recommended for people who:

  • have ever injected drugs, even if it was just once or many years ago 
  • received donated blood or organs before 1992 
  • have certain medical conditions, such as HIV or AIDS 
  • have been exposed to blood from a person who has Hep C 
  • are healthcare workers exposed to a needle prick
  • were born to a mother with Hep C 
  • were born from 1945 – 1965.

Our Nurse Practitioners are Hep C Specialists and provide comprehensive care and treatment for individuals living with Hep C.
Our grant funded support staff are here to assist you with finding out your Hep C status through rapid testing, connect you to care & treatment, assist with overcoming barriers to care including securing insurance for treatment and referrals to other needed resources.

For more information or to be connected to services, please contact our Hepatitis C program coordinator, Suad Jalloh at 914-372-8317 (call or text) or sjalloh@mmotilalriversidehealth-org

For more information on these services please contact: (914) 964-7723

The program is funded through grants from the Department of Health and Human Services, the New York State Department of Health (AIDS Institute), and the Westchester County Department of Health.

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