Navigating Post-COVID Care at St. John’s Riverside Hospital

The Yonkers and Southern Westchester communities have been among the hardest-hit areas of New York during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Since the start of the pandemic, over 17,000 of our families, friends and neighbors have been infected. Unfortunately, many of these continue to face lingering side effects. That is why St. John’s Riverside is launching a Post-Covid Care program.

Uncertainties remain regarding the short- and long-term health effects of COVID-19. At St. John’s Riverside Hospital, we focus on each person as a whole and understand that it can affect all aspects one’s health, including mind, body and spirit.

Per the CDC, “While most persons with COVID-19 recover and return to normal health, some patients can have symptoms that can last for weeks or even months after recovery from acute illness. Even people who are not hospitalized and who have mild illness can experience persistent or late symptoms.”

Long-term symptoms can include:

  • Joint and/or muscle pain
  • Intermittent fever
  • Cardiovascular: inflammation of the heart muscle, fast-beating heart, chest pain
  • Respiratory: lung function abnormalities, shortness of breath, cough
  • Renal: acute kidney injury
  • Dermatologic: rash, hair loss
  • Neurological: smell and taste problems, sleep issues, difficulty with concentration, memory problems, headaches, fatigue
  • Psychiatric: depression, anxiety, changes in mood

We at St. John’s Riverside Hospital want to help advance our community’s wellness and ensure our patients access to the comprehensive care they need. St. John’s is proud to announce our new POST-COVID CARE PROGRAM. The program provides specialized services, including Diagnostic, Testing, Referral, and Management Services to the thousands of recovered COVID-19 patients in the Southern Westchester area. They will work in conjunction with the primary care provider of each patient to ensure appropriate medical care.

“We identified that the patients we serve have been suffering with the after effects of COVID-19. This new program is designed to facilitate recovery and support our patients on their way back to wellness” – Michael DiGiorno, DO, FASN, Medical Director of St. John’s Medical Group.

If you need medical support after recovering from COVID-19, call 914-786-0013 to make an appointment. Most insurances are accepted.

Call Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4:30 pm to set up an appointment at our Boyce Thompson Center, located at 1088 North Broadway in Yonkers.

Appointments are available on: 

  • Tuesdays 9 am to 12 noon 
  • Wednesday & Thursdays 9 am to 5 pm